Oxford University Careers Fair 2024: The fair for all sectors

The 2024 Oxford University Careers Fair offers Oxford students, researchers and alumni the opportunity to find out about a variety of different career options across a wide range of employment sectors.

 Saturday 12 October 2024, from 10:30 – 13:30

 Examination Schools, University of Oxford, 75-81 High St, OX1 4BG

Sign up to the Oxford University Careers Fair

At the Oxford University Careers Fair, you will be able to meet a number of major recruiters, compare different organisations, and find out about graduate and work experience opportunities. Not all the recruiters participating in this event are giving a presentation in Oxford this year, so this may be your only chance to meet them informally.

Whether you know precisely what you want for your future career, whether you are still deciding, or whether you are just starting to think about your career path, this is your chance to find out more.

 Add the fair to your LinkedIn calendar


The Oxford University Careers Fair is designed to present students with a range of graduate opportunities, across a variety of sectors, and to highlight the diverse roles available. This is our only fair with a broad non-sector specific appeal and so we are keen to attract employers from a variety of sectors ranging from retail and manufacturing, the creative arts and communications, to non-profits and teaching, covering both national and local businesses, as well as professional organisations.

The fair falls at the beginning of our Autumn term, when undergraduate and postgraduate students are highly motivated in planning their careers and looking for opportunities. This is a key time to engage with them, before the full rigours of the term take over and when they are very receptive to broadening their horizons by hearing about your varied roles. This fair is therefore an ideal opportunity for you to raise awareness of your organisation and discuss your opportunities with Oxford University students.

If you want to get involved, find out how you can register on our recruiter information page.

Pre-fair talks

  • Researchers @ the Oxford University Careers Fair, 09:15 - 10:30, at the Examination Schools. Talk informally with a careers adviser about options for researchers and find out how to get the most from the fair.
  • Alumni @ the Oxford University Careers Fair, 09:30 - 10:30, at the Examination Schools. Advice session for alumni attending the fair, with tips on how to make the most of it.

Make the most of the fair

  • Start planning your next career steps or focus your search 
  • Find full time jobs, graduate schemes and internships in a variety of sectors
  • Chat to recruiters and careers advisers
  • Find out more on how to make the most of the careers fair.

The PDF booklet with details of the recruiters at the Oxford University Careers Fair will be made available a week before the event takes place.

Note that this event is only open to Oxford University students, researchers, and alumni. 

Pre-registration is not required but don't forget to bring your Uni Card!