The Oxford Strategy Challenge

The Oxford Strategy Challenge (TOSCA) is a team-based experiential learning event with participants taking part in real strategy-focused client challenges over a week.

Applications are now open for Michaelmas term programmes in CareerConnect.

The Oxford Strategy Challenge is an opportunity for you to develop a broad range of transferable skills including teamwork, leadership, communication and business awareness. These along with the client relationship experience, will help you demonstrate your potential in applications, on your CV and in interviews.

You will be placed in a small team providing consultancy on a client project. The project you will take part in will be important to your client, an opportunity for hands-on client experience, and to make a real contribution to an organisation.

The Oxford Strategy Challenge is an intense challenge. Once you have received your client brief you and your team will need to complete the project in a short time period: you will have five days to tackle the challenge.

 Apply for the November - December 2024 Programme

What will you get out of it?

The Oxford Strategy Challenge provides you with real-world client experience and development opportunities across eight key employment skills: team working, communication, initiative, creativity, planning, leadership, self-management and business awareness.

You also have the opportunity to develop skills in collaborating effectively as part of a remote team, managing a client relationship, collecting data under time pressure, reacting quickly to unexpected changes, and summarising and presenting your findings to a client.

Note that places are limited and applications will close early if the programme is oversubscribed.

The schedule for each programme and application links can be found under 'Programme dates' below. Early applications are advised.

How does it work?

The Oxford Strategy Challenge is a team-based, experiential learning event. Every aspect of the process will present a learning opportunity. It is a remote programme. We will run an assessment process with an online selection exercise before participants progress to training sessions to prepare them for their project.

Assessment and Training

The programme begins with an assessment centre task and two training sessions. The assessment task will require to you submit a short video. You will then be placed in your team (usually of four people) and given a short case study to complete as a team before each training session. The online training sessions will prepare you for the project.Topics will include an introduction to consultancy and consulting techniques, managing the client relationship and reporting your recommendations.

Once you have completed both training sessions you will be given your client brief.

The Project 

The challenge starts with a briefing call with the client on a Thursday. Your team will collaborate over the weekend through to Wednesday when you will present your findings to your client. There will be the opportunity of an additional check-in call with your client on the Friday.

Graduation event

We will wrap up the Oxford Strategy Challenge with an online graduation event for you to network with others and share your experience and feedback. 

From participants...

Thank you so much for providing this opportunity, it has been eye-opening in many respects and has given me confidence to apply my research skills in a non-academic context.

The programme was excellent. It gave us initiative, allowed us to think and manage for ourselves, and will be a really useful addition for my CV.

I found this a really helpful experience - I went in wanting to test myself and I feel that I did that 100% and was quite surprised by how much I managed to achieve in such a short time frame, from conceptualising the problem(s) to collecting significant amounts of data and synthesising all this for the final report and recommendations - it was incredibly valuable.

I loved my TOSCA experience. It taught me invaluable skills and gave me first-hand experience managing a client relationship. It gave me a really good understanding of the type of work I can expect from a consultancy.

TOSCA is probably one of the most valuable experiences I have conducted while studying at Oxford. I believe that I'll use the gained skills while applying for my dream job!

This has served as a springboard for my subsequent exploration. I am now aware of so many more opportunities... . It is also reassuring to confirm my time management skills and make myself aware I can explore multiple things while keeping up with school work.

[I] would recommend to anyone regardless of their career aspirations as the skills I gained from it were truly invaluable and could be applicable to any future career.

I gained significantly more experience in leadership and interpersonal relations than I expected. 

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What will it cost me?

There is no cost to you for taking part. You won’t be charging for your projects so there will be no charge to the organisations either.

Participants in the Oxford Strategy Challenge do not receive a consultancy payment for undertaking the programme. 

How much time will it take?

This is an intense programme. As an indication, previous participants have allocated around 2-4 hours per day between the initial client meeting and the final presentation. However this is flexible and the time you decide to allocate to this programme will depend on the nature of the project and how you distribute tasks in your team.

We understand that participants may be undertaking the Challenge alongside academic work and that academic commitments take priority. Participants are encouraged to proactively discuss capacity with their team throughout the Challenge. The Careers Service is available to answer queries during the programme.

Does it matter what subject I’m studying or what year I am in?

Absolutely not – we welcome current Oxford University students from 1st years to DPhils; from English to Medical science students – with everything in between. 

Unfortunately, due to high demand, we cannot accept applications from Said Business School students*, Visiting Students, Research Staff, alumni, or those who have previously participated (you can apply if you have applied before but were not accepted).

* Exceptions: MSc Law and Finance, MSc Financial Economics, DPhils, BA Economics & Management

How long will the assessment centre last?

The assessment centre task consists of a short video which you will be asked to record and submit via Canvas. You will be given 24 hours to complete this task. There will be an opportunity for feedback on your assessment submission at the end of the programme.

What do I need in order to take part?

The programme will be delivered entirely online via Canvas. You will need internet access for the duration of the programme. The assessment centre will consist of a short video submission which can be completed using Canvas software and laptop/device with a camera. Training will be delivered live via Teams. Client meetings will take place remotely.

I was looking for The Student Consultancy programme. Is this programme still running? 

This programme is not currently running. We recommend booking an appointment with a Careers Adviser if you would like to explore options for building on your TOSCA experience.


November - December 2024 Programme

Activity schedule Key dates (times are UK time)
Applications Close By 9 am on 8 November
Selection Assessment submission by applicants online By midnight Tues 12 November
Successful applicants invited to training Tues 19 November
Training Online training sessions (x2) Tues 26 November & Weds 27 November (both 13:00 - 15:00)
Project work Meet the client online Thurs 28 November (meeting scheduled between 13:00 - 15:00)*
Check in with course leader Fri 29 November (13:00 - 16:00; 15 min slot per team)
Client presentations Weds 4 December (13:00 - 15:00)*
Graduation event Wrap-up and review event Thurs 5 December (13:00 - 14:30)


* please note that there may be some changes to these times depending on client availability. Client meeting times will be confirmed at the end of the second training session

If you have any questions about the programme or about accessing either the assessment centre, training sessions, or client meetings please email

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