I'm exploring ideas


 On the Careers Readiness Grid, you are on:

Quadrant 1: Where and how do I start?

To help you make a start in thinking about your career and plan your next move, use our panning tools such as CareerWeaver, and our career briefings on generating ideas and a focus. 

We run a wide range of career events and workshops to help you explore your options and find direction. You can use our resources on how to build employability skills and sign up for one of our original Insight to... programmes for practical introductions to sectors. We also recommend that you get involved with a student society. 

The pointers opposite (for students in Quadrants 2 and 3) indicate more specifically what’s needed to move ‘down’ and ‘right’ on the Career Readiness Grid. Remember, it’s never too late to start, and the team of Careers Advisers is here to support you all the way. 

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