G-Research PhD Prize in Quantitative Research

Students at the University of Oxford in their final or penultimate PhD years (submitting up to December 2025) working across quantitative areas including, but not limited to: Quantitative Finance, Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, Physics, Engineering, and Machine Learning are invited to apply for the G-Research PhD prize

£20,000 in prize funds available for novel research. 

How to apply

You can apply for the G-Research PhD prize by sending a 10-page excerpt of your draft dissertation, along with a CV and covering letter (2 pages maximum) to Charles.Martinez@gresearch.com

Your cover letter should summarise your PhD/research field, the way in which your research is novel, has an impact in its field and wider quantitative research, as well as a summary of any contributions to any papers (highlighting notable elements such as first or corresponding author).


Applications must be submitted by 15 March and the winners will be announced on 30 April 2024.

Meet representatives from G-Research 

G-Research are a sponsor for this year's careers conference for Oxford University research staff and DPhil students, Careers Beyond Academia: Options and Pathways for Researchers. You can meet representatives from the company at the following events: 

"How Do I Get Hired Outside of Academia?!" Ask the Panel of Recruiters

Thursday 21 March 2024, 12:15 - 13:15, In person at the Careers Service, 56 Banbury Road

What do recruiters and employers look for in an outstanding applicant? Whether a PhD is required for a role to bring technical expertise and knowledge, or whether research experience provides a unique benefit on your application, in both circumstances we need to make sure our applications communicate our value clearly to employers. This panel session will answer your questions to senior managers and recruiters about what they look for when hiring researchers applying for roles beyond academia, from networking approaches to CVs and interviews.

Careers Fair for Researchers

Thursday 21 March 2024, 14:00 - 17:00, In person at the Careers Service, 56 Banbury Road

This is a unique opportunity to meet representatives from a variety of organisations that are looking to hire researchers. Join the fair for details about the jobs and programmes they have available and discuss the careers paths you could follow in their sector. 

About G-Research

G-Research are a leading quantitative research and technology firm. They hire the brightest minds in the world to tackle some of the biggest questions in finance. They pair this expertise with machine learning, big data, and some of the most advanced technology available to predict movements in financial markets.