Offer Mock Interviews

Our mock interviews have been very popular with students and employers who have taken part.

Interviewers can choose whether they’d like to undertake a full day and conduct six to seven interviews between 10am and 4pm, with breaks of your choice. However, we can be flexible about start and end times, and if you are only able to offer half a day or even a few hours, we would still like to hear from you.

If you would like to hold mock interviews, please email and we can check availability within the calendar.

Form of the interview

We ask employers to offer students one-to-one generic competency-style interviews, which are not specific to any firm or sector.  The only exception are our Solicitor Mock Interviews, which should contain questions suitable for law applicants.

What happens on the day

Prior to the day, a member of the Student and Employer Engagement Team will contact you to discuss your preferred timings and any breaks you’d like to schedule. We will set up individual time slots within your given time frame. Each interview lasts 30 minutes, this includes 20 minutes for the actual interview and 10 minutes for feedback. If the mock interviews are conducted online, a member of the team will be on the calls with you initially to make sure there are no technical issues.

To find out more, please email

The Oxford Employer Engagement Network

For those employers who wish to gain advantageous recruiting insights, make their recruiting efforts more efficient and are looking to attract students with enhanced promotion.

Join the Employer Engagement Network